Books & Guides

Books  & Guides

Books, Books & More Books

As travel and history writers, it should come as no surprise that we at Legends of America are enamored with books. Sure, you can get books in many places; but, ours our hand-picked to appeal to the "nostalgic and historic minded," -- our readers. See a wide selection of books focused on the Old West, Route 66, Paranormal, Native Americans, Ghost Towns, and more. You'll also find dozens of historic book collections on CD, and vintage magazines.

Last, but, not least, you will find Legends of America's published books. While these can be found elsewhere, you will only find them autographed here




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100 Things To Do on Route 66 Before You Die (2nd Edition)
American Country Flags by Mary Emmerling
$3.95 $0.95
American West by Loren D. Estleman
$7.95 $1.95
Coloring History - Legends' Coloring Book
Don't Sweat Guide to Travel by Richard Carlson
$5.95 $1.95
Driving Guide to America-The Rockies by National Geographic
$9.95 $1.95
EZ66 Guide for Travelers (2023's 5th Edition) *Free Shipping In the USA
Frontier Slang, Lingo & Phrases by Legends of America (PDF download)
Frontier Slang, Lingo & Phrases by Legends of America (signed paperback)
Gold Dust by Donald Dale Jackson
Greatest Treasure Hunting Stories Ever Told by Charles Elliot
$5.95 $1.95
Legends' Book Package (3 books by us - Signed)
Lynchings, Hangings & Vigilante Groups by Kathy Weiser and Legends of America (Signed)
Native American Courtship & Marriage
Native Plants, Native Healing (Traditional Muskogee Way)
Old West Cowboys by Mort Kunstler
$3.95 $1.95
Old West Lawmen by Kathy Weiser and Legends of America (Signed)
Plants of Power - Native American Ceremony & the Use of Sacred Plants (Revised Edition)
Reincarnation Beliefs of North American Indians
Route 66 Postcard Coloring Book
Sacred Smoke - The Ancient Art of Smudging for Modern Times
Sight Unseen-Science, UFO Invisibility and Transgenic Beings by Budd Hopkins & Carol Rainey
$4.95 $1.95
The Amazing World of the Wild West by Peter Harrison
Tribal Childhood (Growing Up in Traditional Native America)
West, The by Geoffrey C. Ward
$4.95 $1.95